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Branding for coaches and consultants: Branded House vs. House of Brands

Crafting brand identity with a unified front or a mosaic of specialsed offerings.

Establishing a strong brand identity is crucial for consultants and coaches. There are two very different approaches to branding and each has its pros and cons. You have to be very strategic in your decision to go with one over the other as it affects your businesses. The two approaches to branding are:

  1. Branded house or
  2. Creating a house of brands.

In this article, we will explore the benefits of each approach with relevant examples.

Branded House: A Unified Identity

A branded house, often referred to as a monolithic brand, places a strong emphasis on building a unified brand identity across all products, services, and offerings. In this model, the company’s primary brand serves as the anchor, while its sub-brands or divisions exist under the umbrella of the parent brand. The focus is on establishing a consistent, recognizable image that reinforces the central brand’s values, positioning, and promises.

Benefits for Consultants and Coaches:

Synergy and Leverage

By adopting a branded house approach, consultants and coaches can leverage the reputation, credibility, and equity of their primary brand across all their offerings. This provides a seamless and consistent experience for clients and facilitates cross-promotion between different services.

Simplified Branding

A branded house strategy streamlines the branding process by minimizing the need to develop and maintain separate identities for each offering. This allows consultants and coaches to concentrate their efforts on strengthening and enhancing their core brand, resulting in increased recognition and market presence.

Trust and Familiarity

A unified brand creates a sense of trust and familiarity among clients and prospects. The reputation and expertise associated with the primary brand extend to all sub-brands, reinforcing credibility and reducing the perceived risk of trying new offerings. This can lead to higher client retention rates and a stronger referral network.

Practical Examples of a ‘Branded House’ Approach

Apple (Branded House)

Apple is a well-known example of a branded house. The company’s primary brand, Apple, is synonymous with innovation, quality, and user-friendly technology. Under the Apple brand, they offer a wide range of products and services, including iPhones, MacBooks, iPads, and Apple Music. By maintaining a consistent brand identity across all their offerings, Apple has established a loyal customer base that associates their products with cutting-edge technology and sleek design.

Virgin Group (Branded House)

Virgin Group, founded by Sir Richard Branson, is another prominent example of a branded house. The Virgin brand encompasses various industries, including airlines (Virgin Atlantic), music (Virgin Records), mobile phones (Virgin Mobile), and health clubs (Virgin Active). Despite operating in diverse sectors, all Virgin Group companies align with the core values of innovation, customer-centricity, and disruption, reflecting the overarching Virgin brand.

House of Brands: Diverse Autonomy

In contrast, a house of brands approach involves establishing multiple independent brands, each with its distinct identity and value proposition. While there may be a parent company overseeing these brands, they operate relatively autonomously, catering to different target audiences or addressing unique niches. This strategy allows consultants and coaches to diversify their offerings while tailoring their messaging and positioning to specific market segments.

Benefits for Consultants and Coaches:

Market Penetration

A house of brands strategy enables consultants and coaches to tap into various market segments and reach a broader audience. By developing separate brands for different specialities, they can effectively address the unique needs and preferences of diverse client groups, expanding their reach and market share.

Flexibility and Adaptability

Consultants and coaches who adopt a house of brands approach have the freedom to experiment, innovate, and adapt their offerings to changing market demands. The independence of each brand allows for more targeted messaging and positioning, ensuring maximum resonance with the intended audience.

Risk Mitigation

By diversifying their portfolio of brands and offerings, consultants and coaches can mitigate the risks associated with market fluctuations or changes in client preferences. If one brand or service faces challenges, the others can continue to thrive, providing stability and a buffer against potential downturns.

Practical Examples of ‘House of Brands’ Approach to Branding

Unilever (House of Brands)

Unilever is a multinational consumer goods company that employs a house of brands strategy. They own numerous well-known brands across different product categories, such as Dove (personal care), Knorr (food products), Lipton (beverages), and Ben & Jerry’s (ice cream). Each brand operates independently, catering to specific consumer needs and preferences. Unilever’s House of Brands approach allows them to target diverse market segments effectively and maximize their global market share.

Procter & Gamble (House of Brands)

Procter & Gamble (P&G) is another notable example of a house of brands. P&G owns a wide range of popular brands, including Gillette (personal care), Pampers (baby care), Tide (laundry care), and Olay (skincare). Each brand has its distinct identity and value proposition, targeting different consumer demographics and addressing specific needs. P&G’s house of brands strategy enables them to capture market share in multiple product categories while maintaining a strong presence in the consumer goods industry.

Choosing the Right Strategy:

The decision to pursue a branded house or a house of brands strategy is a pivotal one for consultants and coaches. It ultimately depends on factors such as business goals, target audience diversity, competitive landscape, and desired market positioning. You can use the following criteria to help you make an informed decision:

CriteriaBranded HouseHouse of Brands
Target Audience DiversitySuitable if the target audience is relatively homogeneous with similar needs and preferences across services.Suitable if the target audience is diverse, with distinct segments having unique needs and preferences.
Service Offerings and SpecializationsSuitable if the coach or consultant offers a range of services or specialties that complement each other and can benefit from a unified brand identity.Suitable if the coach or consultant has distinct service offerings or specializations that require separate brand positioning and messaging to effectively target different client segments.
Brand Equity and RecognitionSuitable if the coach or consultant has already established a strong brand presence, reputation, and equity, which can be leveraged across all services.Suitable if the coach or consultant is starting with new or specialized services and wants to build distinct identities and position themselves as experts in each respective field.
Marketing and Promotional EffortsSuitable if the coach or consultant wants to streamline marketing efforts and leverage cross-promotion between services, ensuring consistent brand messaging and a unified customer experience.Suitable if the coach or consultant wants to tailor marketing and promotional activities to specific target segments, enabling focused messaging and positioning for each brand.
Risk Management and AdaptabilitySuitable if the coach or consultant seeks stability and risk mitigation through a consolidated brand portfolio, providing resilience against market fluctuations affecting individual services.Suitable if the coach or consultant desires flexibility and the ability to adapt to evolving market trends and client demands, allowing for independent brand management and experimentation.
FactHouse of BrandsBranded House
Market DominanceCompanies adopting a house of brands strategy achieve higher market dominance and larger market share by catering to diverse target segments with specialized brands.Branded house approach can lead to stronger customer loyalty and advocacy as positive experiences with one brand under the umbrella can extend to other offerings.
Enhanced Customer LoyaltyHouse of brands can foster stronger customer loyalty and advocacy as customers who have a positive experience with one brand are more likely to trust and engage with other offerings.Branded house strategy can result in increased customer retention rates and cross-selling opportunities as trust and familiarity with the parent brand extend to sub-brands.
Adaptability and InnovationHouse of Brands’ strategy offers greater flexibility and adaptability to changing market trends and consumer demands. It allows for experimentation, innovation, and the introduction of new products or services without risking the parent brand.Branded house approach provides stability and risk mitigation through a consolidated brand portfolio, allowing for resilience and the ability to withstand market fluctuations.
Efficiency and Cost SavingsHouse of brands can lead to cost savings and operational efficiencies as marketing efforts, resources, and brand management can be targeted and specific to each brand.Branded house approach can result in efficiency and cost savings by consolidating marketing efforts, resources, and brand management under one umbrella.

Magic lies in the mix of the two approaches:

Effectively mixing the branded house and house of brands approaches can be a strategic decision for coaches and consultants who want to leverage the benefits of both strategies. Here are some tips on how to effectively blend the two approaches:

  • Identify Core Brand Elements: Start by establishing a strong core brand identity that represents your overarching values, mission, and positioning. This core brand will serve as the foundation for your branding efforts.
  • Leverage Sub-Brands under the Branded House: Identify specific services, specialities, or target segments that can benefit from having their own brand identity. Develop sub-brands or divisions that operate under the umbrella of your primary brand. Ensure that these sub-brands align with the core brand’s values and promise.
  • Tailor Messaging and Positioning: Customize your messaging and positioning for each sub-brand or division to effectively address the unique needs and preferences of specific target segments. Adapt your communication strategies to resonate with each audience while maintaining consistency with the core brand’s overall message.
  • Cross-Promote and Leverage Synergy: Leverage the reputation, credibility, and equity of your core brand to cross-promote your sub-brands or divisions. Highlight the connection between your offerings to create a seamless and comprehensive customer experience. Utilize the synergy between your brands to drive brand recognition and increase market presence.
  • Allocate Resources Strategically: Determine how to allocate your resources effectively between the core brand and sub-brands. Focus your efforts on strengthening the core brand while ensuring that each sub-brand receives the necessary attention and investment to thrive independently.
  • Maintain Brand Consistency: While allowing for some autonomy and differentiation among your sub-brands, it is essential to maintain consistency in terms of visual identity, brand voice, and brand values across all your brands. This consistency will reinforce the overall brand experience and ensure coherence in the minds of your audience.
  • Monitor and Adapt: Continuously monitor the performance and reception of your brands in the market. Assess the effectiveness of your branding strategy and make adjustments as needed. Stay attuned to market trends and evolving customer needs to ensure that your blended approach remains relevant and resonates with your target audience.

By effectively blending the branded house and house of brands approaches, coaches and consultants can create a cohesive and diverse brand portfolio that caters to different target segments while maintaining a strong core brand identity. The key is to strike a balance between unity and differentiation, leveraging the benefits of both strategies to maximize brand impact and growth.


Whether you opt for a branded house or a house of brands, the key lies in developing a cohesive branding strategy that leverages your strengths and aligns with your target audience’s needs. As a consultant or coach, carefully consider the benefits and implications of each approach and choose the one that best supports your business goals and enhances your brand’s impact. By navigating the branding maze with clarity and insight, you can establish a powerful brand identity that resonates with your clients, sets you apart from the competition, and drives long-term success.

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